Exclusive breastfeeding. Factors that influence its abandonment





Breastfeeding, Primary Health Care, Early Educational Intervention


A descriptive study was carried out with the objective of identifying some factors associated with the abandonment of breastfeeding in a clinic in the health area of Puerto Padre, Cuba during the year 2022. The working universe was constituted by 170 infants under six months of age, the sample was constituted by 141 infants. For the elaboration of the project, the mothers or guardians of the infants were surveyed, and the clinical history was verified by childcare consultations using the variables time of exclusive breastfeeding, factors associated with the mother for the abandonment of breastfeeding, factors associated with the child for the abandonment of breastfeeding. Most of the children abandoned breastfeeding between three and four months of age. In relation to the factors associated with the mother for the abandonment of breastfeeding, it was found that the knowledge of the mothers related to breastfeeding is inadequate, most of them have an adequate level of schooling, the number of serious maternal diseases is not significant, predominantly mastitis and the age group of adolescents. In relation to the factors associated with the child, it was found that term birth predominated and most of the children were exclusively breastfed, and the number of children with oropharyngeal malformations was not significant.


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How to Cite

Diaz Cuervo ME. Exclusive breastfeeding. Factors that influence its abandonment. AG Multidisciplinar [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 6 [cited 2024 May 14];1:6. Available from: https://multidisciplinar.journalageditor.org/index.php/multidisciplinar/article/view/6