Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in human talent management




Automation, evolution, skills, technology, transformation


Human talent and artificial intelligence have been closely related, having a great impact on the performance and productivity of today's organizations. In this research work, we sought to identify the challenges posed by the implementation of artificial intelligence tools in human talent management, such as data privacy, discrimination and automated decision making, through the review of scientific literature, this as the main objective. To develop it, sources of research articles, magazines and previous research carried out on the topic in the last ten years were used, with which it was possible to identify the use of AI for the selection and retention of human talent, the development of skills and skills, in addition to benefiting the well-being of collaborators; but also disadvantages such as its impact on privacy and the growing concern about job replacement. Concluding, to take full advantage of the benefits and minimize the problems associated with AI in human talent, it is necessary to have clear and transparent regulations, encouraging collaboration and development of knowledge in employees and ensuring ethics in the use of AI. within the organization


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How to Cite

Gama Espinosa JC, Leiva Sánchez LM, Fajardo Pereira MA. Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in human talent management. AG Multidisciplinar [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 17 [cited 2024 May 14];1:14. Available from: